Friday, 7 December 2012

A moment of introspection

The Sims 3 introduced a solid "life aim" for players to achieve for their Sims. Some want business success, others want to find love, others want a large family and that got me thinking.

My wife has achieved her goal. She'd always wanted marriage, mortgage and babies. At 27 she has what she wanted.

At 32, however, I'm still wandering. I've kind of gone from plan A to Plan B and now I'm on Plan C +1 and like a clump of dislodged Kelp I'm drifting in the tide.

Don't get me wrong, I love my family and although they weren't originally in my plan I'm grateful that they're here.

Plan A was to go into Marine Biology but my grades weren't good enough so I fell back on History. Plan B was to go all the way and do a PHD in History but I stumbled during my Masters and after spending about twenty years studying I had had enough. I still regret not finishing it.

Plan C was to "Wait and see" and after moving back to Medway and getting a job I hoped to use past experience and qualifications to go far - it's not happened so plan C +1 is in action - drift.

I have no real Political ambitions beyond Medway and then that is often curtailed by other draws on my time, like work and family. My options for progression at work is dependent on a lot of people either leaving, retiring or suddenly ceasing to be. Also to be honest, I'm not enjoying it anyway.

I'd thought about trying to get back into Marine Biology but I'm a little too old and i'd have a decade on everyone else employment wise. Also there is a distinct lack of money!

I still day dream of the teenage wish to head out into the wilds of Canada, see Mount Logan, walk from Skagway to Alaska but at the moment it is unlikely to happen. Instead my wanderlust is sated wandering London or Medway and planning a hike around Boxley & Aylesford and adding places to my foursquare wish list.

I'm trying to write more, I have ideas but run out of steam. I must finish Into the Dark and see if I can get it published for Kindle, after all, of the four aspiring writers from Uni, I'm still the only one unpublished.

Still, having a life goal can be overrated as the listless wanderers have more experiences and fun - as long as you can look yourself in the eye in the mirror and say "I'm happy"

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